Working together, our school community is committed to inspiring our future generations to achieve educational excellence.
The curriculum is designed to ensure coverage and progression of the knowledge and skills of the National Curriculum for each year group whilst enhancing the potential of our children to become culturally educated citizens with a voice.
Our curriculum builds progressive substantive and disciplinary knowledge to ensure our children learn more and remember more:
Substantive Knowledge: This is the specific, factual content for each subject.
Disciplinary Knowledge: This refers to the specialist and in-depth knowledge of each subject
Our curriculum delivers first hand learning activities which provide new experiences and/or build upon prior learning. We aim to develop children's individual talents and characters, allowing our children to think creatively, have a thirst for knowledge, embrace challenge, build resilience, demonstrate a love of learning and build cultural capital.
Children are taught to make connections between subject areas and in their learning. We are committed to inclusion, believing that every child has the right to succeed. We take responsibility to ensure that barriers to learning are overcome and that all children succeed in realising their potential to be the best they can be, irrespective of their backgrounds or starting points. We strive to provide a broad, balanced and bespoke curriculum that engages and inspires our children, providing them with rich and memorable experiences to promote retention of learning. We firmly believe that our curriculum should reflect our community and provide our children with opportunities to learn about their own heritage alongside developing their understanding, acceptance and tolerance of others.
We provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful and resilient learners with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society. We encourage children to achieve excellence. We focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding. The school ensures that children are well prepared for the next stage of their education and the world of work.
Our curriculum design ensures that the needs of all children can be met within the environment of appropriate pedagogy and high quality first teaching, supported by targeted interventions where appropriate. This ensures a positive impact on pupil outcomes and promotes equal opportunity for all.
Our curriculum is planned to promote achievement, enjoyment, confidence and positive learning behaviours. Children feel safe to try new things. High quality visits and visitors into the school enhance the curriculum and provide opportunities for children to build and retain key knowledge. Through challenging, purposeful activities children learn first-hand whilst developing important life skills such as team work, problem solving and creativity.
We recognise a number of barriers our children face and strive to address these through both our taught lessons and school ethos. Throughout our curriculum we aspire to high attainment for all pupils and avoid stereotyping groups of pupils (eg disadvantaged, SEN, EAL ) as all facing similar challenges or having less potential to succeed.
Close links between home and school are key to enabling pupils to achieve their full potential. Therefore we regularly provide parents with pupil progress and curriculum information. Families are given the opportunity to work collaboratively alongside their children.
If you would like to find out more information about our school, please contact school and ask to speak to Ms Hanson (Deputy Head/Leader of Teaching and Learning)